Saturday , 22nd February 2025
Biometric Attendance Of Staff

Department of English

Thisdepartment runs U.G./P.G. (that is B.A./M.A. ) Courses, where a student hasoption to choose one group out of available subject group in the B.A.  

          The following are the teaching  staff of the department

Teaching Staff(Regular Faculty)


Department of  English


Contact No.


Dr. Akhilesh Kumar  Sharma




Dr. Anil Kumar Singh




          The admission in UG Ist Sem./P.G. Ist Sem.Done online on merit basis through higher education portal on state label andit is all monitored and controlled by department of higher education M.P.Bhopal

          The syllabus of each courses (U.G./P.G.) are also providedby central board of studies which is constituted by departments  of higher education M.P. Bhopal with thecollaboration of concerned universities.